There He Goes Again!
There he goes again!
“Personal accounts do not permanently fix the solution.”
Those were the words of our feckless Commander-in-Chief George W. Bush at his press conference March 16. It sounded like a concession, but the Master of Malaprop proceeded to clarify his position.
According to the New York Times, “The president ignored a question about whether he would be willing to drop the private accounts from his plan in exchange for a negotiated deal with Democrats on benefits cuts and tax increases to assure the solvency of Social Security.”
Then he answered a question about when Congress should act on the issue by saying, “as quickly as possible, whatever that means.”
Whatever that means ...
The Prez reiterated his tiresome mantra of “I fully understand it's a difficult issue. Otherwise, it would have been solved a long time ago.”
Then he added this Lincolnesque declamation: “And I understand some members don't, you know, view this as a tough vote. In other words, you know, why did you bring it up?”
I don’t know, you know, why did you?
Despite raising the issue and flogging it ceaselessly across the country with his “sky is falling” alarums, the Commander-in-Chief said he would not propose a more detailed plan of his own because he knew Congress would reject it!
“I'm interested in coming up with a permanent solution. I'm not interested in playing political games.”
Well, that makes everything perfectly clear.